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Friday, March 9, 2007,7:48 AM
sumfin I hav to say...

dear blog,
first of all, i hav to tell wat im busying for the last 2 weeks. basically, it is jus all about my theatre mid term, RENT!! which we gonna perform on next tuesday. kinda excited nd cant wait to c it. we practice everyday nd i enjoy it very much indeed.....
all of my group member had paid a lot effort on it, especially arcky....thanks dude!!u done most of the work nd u really do it very well. of cos others are doing well too. btw,im just feel comfort nd happy wit my current theatre group....nd i hope i can remain the same group for our final.

besides, my comm class got alot of assingment to do....luckily the due date is on the end of march. therefore, my schedule is still gonna be so pack soon. however. i rather tat busy for my course work than having fun all the time...bcos i can numb myself by doing my class work nd forget all my troubles. every ppl hav their own troubles, even maybe they seem normal or happy as usual. recently, im so fucked nd all the stresses is came to me....the gaps between me nd my family, my further academy, relationship(maybe) nd my result.

i was always think my cgpa is 2.4... until i got my unofficial transcript. i was so shocked, after i found out my cgpa is merely 2.13. (2.4 is actually my previous gpa) so damn depressing now. im definitely a failure... nd jung wei, u r rite. i never concern about my studies....but i really feel the fear now nd all i can do now is just, try.....btw, i know u r trying to help me,eventhough i didnt give much reaction. but thanks, dude...really appreciate ur helps, i mean it.
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