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Sunday, February 11, 2007,6:30 PM
Why yoU LiKe Urself?

why u like urself? ain't u?
im just done an assignment for my comm class about this question.
it is extremely hard for me to think about it. because i not even ever think about it before.

So, eventually i done it.
Basically, there are 2 factors that i like myself.
one is my dark appearance, nah,i prefer to call it tan complexion.
another, is about my inner-self.

my tan style, definitely like it.
people may think it seem dirty or unkempt, but i just feel confident n healthy with my tan skin.
all my friends know i like sports....this is one of the reason i got my "healthy" appearance as well.

second, that's my inner-self, i love challenges!!
i like to do thing which exist matter in what aspect.
it is pretty joy when you overcoming them...
i believe in NO PAIN, NO GAIN!!

i just briefly talked about my presentation here.
although i dint do very well on that, i feel satisfy with it,i tried my best.(thx for some1 giv me opinions)
because all my coursemates done fuking good on it.

Nevertheless, please give me more comments about the David How u know.
tell me the good things u found on me( only good things), i know u all reluctant to tell, but please la.
by the way, try to think why u like urself as well.
im sure, u like to know it.

Sunday, February 4, 2007,8:51 AM
Desire to success

If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you dare not, you don't.

If you like to win, but you think you can't,

it is almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you're lost,

You've got to think high to rise,

You've got to be sure of yourself before

you can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go

to the stronger or faster man,

but soon or late the one who wins,

is the one WHO THINK HE CAN!!

I got this poet from a book named " think to grow rich" which i read recently.
It's pretty meaningful and i just simply like it.

Although it sounds like common sense, how many of us really follow it?

It is seem easy but actually hard to do it.

After i completely digest this book, i'm feel more awake to achieve my dreams.

Unfortunaly, tis book din't show me the way to discover my own DREAMS.

What is my dream? what i really want? what i really expect for my future?
I've no answer, i'm lost and I can't feel any passion of anything lately.

My fate is fading...

Sometimes I asking myself, am i really suit in mass comm?

But I never know the real answer.

Maybe I was over underestimated mass comm and think it is easy.

However, i found it is difficult now and i'm trying to do my best on it.

Don't you ever think mass comm is useless, is rubbish?

Then you're absolutely wrong.........i will prove it to you.


Colouring the faded part....

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